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Nort Statement

Nort Statement

Further Contemplation of Min........

Further Contemplation of Min........

The sculpture you are viewing is titled Further Contemplation of Mining: Who buys the party favors? Is part of that series. Being from the Badger state (not because we all love badgers), but because we have a long history with mining. What seemed like almost everything valuable was extracted generations ago became an eagerness for the ordinary. My hope in this piece is that it sparks the minds of viewers to think not just of the immediate, but also those that didn’t make it to the party.

mixed media


John Swartwout 2019©

Further Contemplation of Min.....

Further Contemplation of Min.....

mixed media

4’ x 10’ x 8”

John Swartwout 2019©

Further Contemplation of Min.....

Further Contemplation of Min.....

mixed media

4’ x 10’ x 8”

John Swartwout 2019©

This Land is Your Land1(top view)

This Land is Your Land1(top view)

mixed media


John Swartwout 2013-14©

This Land is Your Land

This Land is Your Land

Mixed Media


John Swartwout 2013-14©

This Land is Your Land

This Land is Your Land

mixed media


John Swartwout 2013-14©

Whitetail Hunter D

Whitetail Hunter D

Mixed Media


John Swartwout 2013©

Whitetail Hunter D (detail)

Whitetail Hunter D (detail)

Mixed Media


John Swartwout 2013©

Shotgun Shack/Trappers Cabin or the Story of a Man and His Beloved

Shotgun Shack/Trappers Cabin or the Story of a Man and His Beloved

mixed media w/video

16 x 23 x 15”

John Swartwout 2012©

Shotgun Shack/Trappers Cabin or The Story of a Man and His Beloved

Shotgun Shack/Trappers Cabin or The Story of a Man and His Beloved

mixed media w/video

16 x 23 x 15”

John Swartwout 2012©

(film detail). Shotgun Shack or the Story of a Man and His Beloved

(film detail). Shotgun Shack or the Story of a Man and His Beloved

interior shot of piece

Nort: 4x4

Nort: 4x4

Nort: 4x4

mixed media

4x4x2in each

John Swartwout 2008©

Nort: 4x4 (detail)

Nort: 4x4 (detail)

Nort: 4x4 (detail)

John Swartwout 2008©

Tribute to American Hardcore: Corporate Deathburger

Tribute to American Hardcore: Corporate Deathburger

Tribute to American Hardcore: Corporate Deathburger

Mixed Media

7 x 10 x 5in

John Swartwout 2018-9©

Youth on stage jumping off into an expecting crowd. Wailing songs about monumental greed, but not being heard or even noticed. "Corporate Deathburger" for me is a tribute to that particular time and place. The power and energy of those songs wrung a tapestry of innocent truth. Perhaps, they wring even more true in our modern times and the consequences for not noticing could be ongoing. Placing an emphasis on an innocent demeanor or toy-like presence I make an attempt to sift through the splinters of simple truisms in my work. Growing up in rural Wisconsin I was surrounded by dry……cough……. humor, I believe that has had some effect on my work as well. It has always been my sincerest goal to convey these truths and dichotomies with my work and hopefully viewers enjoy this brand of art and humor, but also contemplate their surroundings as well.

Punk du Nort

Punk du Nort

Punk A#@ Moose

mixed media w/electronics

32 x 48 x 22in

John Swartwout 2007-8©

Growing up in the upper-midwest and living in an extremely rural area, I can’t think of a better place to find punk music can you? From the majority of stations playing country or stations spinning Led Zeppelin 5.7 million times, we had a local college radio station that introduced me and my friends to a whole new world of music. Although the scene wasn’t LA’s scene, we went to most of the major bands at the college and a run down theatre downtown. Within the region we had formidable bands such as: The Replacements, Husker Du, Tar Babies, Mecht Mensch, Die Dreuzen, and The Violent Femmes to name a few. The pieces “Punk du Nort”, “Tribute to North American Hardcore: Corporate Deathburger”, and “The Sound Cuts Right Through the Pines” capture that moment of a younger me and represent that independent scene in the midwest.

Punk du Nort (detail)

Punk du Nort (detail)

Punk A#@ Moose (detail)

John Swartwout 2007-8©

The Sound Cuts Right Through the Pines

The Sound Cuts Right Through the Pines

mixed media. 2020

24 X 10 X 64 in.

Approx. 500 yrs of N. American Progress Represented in Chocolate Covered Sedimentary Layers of Vanilla, Pistachio, and Strawberry Ice Creams w/ a Wholesome Caramel Center

Approx. 500 yrs of N. American Progress Represented in Chocolate Covered Sedimentary Layers of Vanilla, Pistachio, and Strawberry Ice Creams w/ a Wholesome Caramel Center

Approx. 500 yrs of N. American Progress Represented in Chocolate Covered Sedimentary Layers of Vanilla, Pistachio, and Strawberry Ice Creams w/ a Wholesome Caramel Center

Mixed Media


John Swartwout 2019©

Approx. 500 yrs of N. American Progress Represented in....(detail)

Approx. 500 yrs of N. American Progress Represented in....(detail)

Approx. 500 yrs of N. American Progress Represented in…(detail)

John Swartwout 2019©

Approx. 500 yrs of N. American Progress Represented in...(detail)

Approx. 500 yrs of N. American Progress Represented in...(detail)

Approx. 500 yrs of N. American Progress Represented in…(detail)

John Swartwout 2019©



mixed media. 2020

Untitled (detail 2)

Untitled (detail 2)

Untitled (detail 2)

John Swartwout 2019©

Dust Angel

Dust Angel


Dust Angel

mixed media

9 x 9 x 5in

John Swartwout 20013©

Dust Angel (detail)

Dust Angel (detail)


Dust Angel (detail)

John Swartwout 20013©

Apex Dream

Apex Dream

Although not in the creation of this work, the piece is fairly straightforward in it’s content. I believe everyone has his or her own private Idaho, a small portion of nirvana within their lives. For me, it is the “now” moment of moving across a lake in the Northwoods during the sun setting past the pines. Whether in a canoe, kayak, or fishing boat, the setting sun peering past the pines in an almost strobe like fashion is truly inner bliss for me. It’s bliss, it’s a happy place and will always be in my heart.

Apex Dream

Mixed Media w/video

76 x 28 x 10in

John Swartwout 2019©

Apex Dream (detail)

Apex Dream (detail)

Apex Dream (detail)

Mixed Media w/video

76 x 28 x 10in

John Swartwout 2019©

Apex Dream (detail 2)

Apex Dream (detail 2)

Apex Dream (detail 2)

Mixed Media w/video

76 x 28 x 10in

John Swartwout 2019©

Above It

Above It

mixed media. 2020

Install dimension: 4ft X 6ft X 5ft



mixed media with video

Install Dimension: 8 X 12 X 8ft.

Please Note: Install Dimensions can be adjusted.

(Detail)  Stand

(Detail) Stand

detail of upper part of platform hunting stand

Extended Forecast:  All's Well

Extended Forecast: All's Well

Mixed media with video 2020

Install dimensions: 7 X 4 X 8ft.

(detail). Extended Forecast:  All's Well

(detail). Extended Forecast: All's Well

mixed media w/video 2020